Sunday, November 28, 2004

Any Upsize?

Today one convict get his sentence, upped by a few more years. It remind me of when i am at mc donalds.

Judge:" Good Morning welcome to Mccourt".
Convict:" I need to have a 6 years sentence for rehabilitation".
Judge:" Any upsize to go along?"
Convict:" NO THANKS"

After 1 min.....
Judge:" heres your sentence, have a nice term!"
Convict:" How come so much?!!!"
Judge:" I UPPED FOR YOU". this is not the customer(convict) who want an upsize, its the waiter( Judge) who up for him!

I don't understand lah...I mean...ok u do wrong..u sent to jail..bad come some still so stupid go and plead or appeal? Every cases the outcome is more or less, upsized jail term. What for??? I think the judges also feel pissed. Maybe in the long long time during the colonial days, they had a meeting.

judge 1:" eh this can't go along doesn't it. Every cases people come and appeal. I have no time for my wife, my mistress, pratically everything!"

Judge2:"(bow to her masjesty portrait and speaking in a THICK Queen's english accent) I think...we need to have some"

Judge3:" Why don't we lengthen(the word upsized was not invented in those days) their sentence?"

Judge1:" But...doesn't it seems too cruel?"

Judge2:" Precisely!! It serve as an deterrance for crimes. And beside they done wrong and still have the cheek to appeal and hoping for a reduction? Fat Hope!!"

Judge3:" But the real reason is.........."

All judges in unison:" So that it will deter future convicts of bothering us and lighten our work again!!!"

Then 1 smart alerc pointed out:" But then....Singaporean got so smart meh?"

"Got lah"
"Eh you don't spoil mood leh"
" @$@#%$"
"School for fuck?"

but then 40 yrs later........

"..........Another convicted get his jail sentence upped to 4 more good years again when he appeal to the high court for a reduction in term" Cheryl Coke, Channel News Asia.

The smart aleck judge got it all right.

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