Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Anything whatever

This is the latest marketing fad/ gimmick by some drink company. It aim to prick on the consumer sense of curiosity so that they will try them out. However i think it didn't manage to convince me to part with my dollar as i am a skeptic who won't try it out unless they tell me what is inside first.

But a trip to the supermarket make me wonder something. Supposedly such drinks were spiked or something went wrong during the manufacturing process with a particular flavour. How are they going to recall back that flavour given it may be anything or whatever things?

Here come the loophole of getting the flavour you want. I suspect there is a manufacturing code or something that differentiate what flavour it is. If we know what is the code for that particular flavour, we are able to get what flavour we want and the marketing gimmick fails!

If they didn't have any form of differentiation, then bless them should something went wrong because they need to recall every single can. Imagine they need a particular flavour of batch xxx manufacture on date yyy, huge logistics problem!

1 comment:

char said...

hahaha! ask me how does it taste like, and il tell you, "well, it tastes like anything"

and you'll reply "whatever"